Would hamlet make a good king. [Hamlet] Would Hamlet have made a good king? : AskScienceFiction 2023-01-04

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In the play "Hamlet," Prince Hamlet is depicted as a complex and introspective character who is grappling with the weighty responsibilities that come with his royal position. While he possesses some qualities that might make him a good king, such as his intelligence and philosophical bent, there are also several factors that might prevent him from being an effective ruler.

One of the main reasons why Hamlet might make a good king is his intelligence and wit. Throughout the play, he demonstrates a sharp mind and is able to outmaneuver his enemies on several occasions. He is also well-educated and has a strong moral compass, which suggests that he would be capable of making wise and just decisions as a ruler.

However, there are also several aspects of Hamlet's character that could hinder his ability to be an effective leader. For example, he is prone to indecision and procrastination, as seen in his delay in taking revenge on his uncle for the murder of his father. This hesitation and lack of action could be detrimental in a leadership role, where quick and decisive decision-making is often required.

In addition, Hamlet's emotional instability and tendency towards melancholy could also pose problems as a king. He is often consumed by grief and anger, and this emotional turmoil frequently leads him to act impulsively and irrationally. This could make it difficult for him to maintain a calm and level-headed demeanor when faced with the challenges and crises that inevitably arise in any leadership role.

Overall, while Hamlet has some positive qualities that might make him a good king, his emotional instability and tendency towards indecision and procrastination suggest that he would face significant challenges in this role. It is ultimately difficult to say definitively whether or not he would be a successful ruler, as it would depend on how he was able to overcome these challenges and harness his strengths to effectively lead his kingdom.

Would Hamlet Make A Good King Analysis

would hamlet make a good king

He is incredibly self aware to the point that he can't bring himself to do anything for the majority of the play. Likewise, in his dying breath, Hamlet is concerned about the kingdom. This, along with… Hamlet's Inner Struggle As the play progresses, Hamlet becomes more and more torn; he fails to carry out revenge by holding onto his moral reasoning. While Claudius is a despicable king, Hamlet would definitely make a good king. Breuninger English I I, period 6 07, October 2013 Hamlet, To be king or not to be king? It becomes evident that this was his intent further along in the play when his love for Ophelia proves to be less significant than he acted it was. I'd take an over-thinking, delaying king over a thoughtless, quick-acting king any day. No doubt, Hamlet would have made a good king.


Why Is Hamlet Not To Be King

would hamlet make a good king

He knows how a good actor should perform. There's a daisy I would give you some violets, but they withered all when my father died. This adherence to moral values would be a very good quality in a king. Despite this, Hamlet overcame his emotion and intense desire for revenge , waiting until evidence of the murder could be procured. Borderline Personality Disorder BDP is a disorder identified when a person has difficulties in controlling emotions.


Why would Hamlet make a bad king?

would hamlet make a good king

He waited so long to kill Claudius because he wanted people to be able to know the story of really happened and did not want to seem like a bad guy. Hamlet flat out compares himself to the likes of a rogue or a slave. Why Did Hamlet Decide To Kill Claudius 1027 Words 5 Pages The major problem with Hamlet is that he engages enormous time in planning instead of taken action. This is because not only does their decisions effect themselves it also effects the whole kingdom. Throughout the play, Hamlet has shown that he had all the qualities that would have made him a remarkable king. Hamlet by William Shakespeare depicts how Hamlet falls victim to an adverse outlook on women in the play.


Dissertation on Would Hamlet Make a Good King? blog.sigma-systems.com

would hamlet make a good king

In this play, Hamlet has come to a time in his life where he has to see things as they really are. Therefore, many readers wonder whether the prince would have made a good king. As seen in the play, Hamlet can duel Laertes, and kills him through the end of the play. This is an interesting question. But these are not his only flaws, he still has a tough time being immature.


Why didn't Hamlet become king?

would hamlet make a good king

A symbol of how the ghost wanted people to know that he was back for good. If that is the case, then there is no shortage of Hamlet showing weakness other than contemplating suicide. We're at the top though. He gives his dying vote to Fortinbras: He has my dying vote, Tell him so, with the news, more and less, Which has been asked for. And all for nothing! In William Shakespeare's play of Hamlet the main character Prince Hamlet of Denmark, recently lost his father. Hamlet needs to kill Claudius, but he must do it at the right time and only in a moment when Claudius' guilt is apparent to others. He has a melancholic demeanor about him and he is kept to himself.


Based on Hamlet the play, what kind of king would Hamlet have been?

would hamlet make a good king

I think this would depend on what a "good" king is. Claudius killed his own brother and married his wife just a few weeks later. Some traits that Hamlet possesses which people inaccurately diagnosed him with insanity. Yet again Hamlet slanders himself. In the play Hamlet many people have different opinions on the main character Hamlet. He is loved by his nation; he is an intellectual, a student at Wittenberg University, and he can be a good soldier.


Was Hamlet A Good King

would hamlet make a good king

. Well good old King Claudius made Laertes believe that Hamlet is responsible for Ophelia to go insane and drown herself. The bloody, proud, fight until you die kind of King. In order to call the important shots that impact an entire nation, a king needs a thorough thought process to reach the proper decision. Verbalization In Hamlet Essay As well as Hamlet is giving clues to Claudius, that Hamlet knows who killed his father. Depending on how he acts during less stressful times could be a predictor of how he'd rule, but we don't really know how a "stable" Hamlet actually behaves. She was unhappy before — how does she feel now? Dzierzega Answer more questions on.


Would Hamlet have made a good king? Yes or no?Explain?

would hamlet make a good king

What would he do, Had he the motive and the cue for passion that I have? We have all heard of his bravery in battle, but there are few stories that epitomize his skills as that which speaks of him in a battle against King Fortinbras of Norway where he won land that today we righfully hold as our won. Anyone that pretends to be crazy is not fit to be king. That would not be revenging his father death, that would only make Claudius go to heaven quicker. Throughout the play there are countless acts of deceit and other troubling things between relationships. Somebody with too much might never second guess themselves, but someone with too little may over analyze little unimportant details. His marriage to Gertrude stems not from love for her but only his insatiable desire for power.
