Describe the process of respiration in human beings. Process of Respiration in Human Beings (With Diagram) 2022-12-25

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Respiration is the process by which human beings, and all other organisms, produce energy from the breakdown of nutrients. In humans, respiration occurs in the cells of the body and is essential for maintaining life.

The process of respiration can be divided into two main stages: aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration requires oxygen and occurs in the presence of oxygen, while anaerobic respiration does not require oxygen and occurs in the absence of oxygen.

Aerobic respiration is the most common form of respiration in humans and is responsible for the majority of the energy production in the body. It occurs in the mitochondria, the energy-producing structures within cells. During aerobic respiration, glucose and oxygen are converted into energy, water, and carbon dioxide through a series of chemical reactions.

The first step of aerobic respiration is the breakdown of glucose into a molecule called pyruvate. This reaction is known as glycolysis and occurs in the cytoplasm of cells. Pyruvate is then transported into the mitochondria, where it is further broken down through a process called the citric acid cycle, also known as the Krebs cycle.

During the citric acid cycle, pyruvate is converted into a molecule called acetyl-CoA, which then enters the mitochondria and combines with oxaloacetate to form citric acid. Citric acid is then broken down through a series of chemical reactions, releasing energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and producing water and carbon dioxide as by-products.

Anaerobic respiration occurs in the absence of oxygen and is less efficient than aerobic respiration in terms of energy production. It occurs in the cytoplasm of cells and is used as a backup energy source when oxygen is not available. During anaerobic respiration, glucose is broken down into lactic acid through a process called fermentation. Lactic acid is then converted back into glucose through a process called regeneration.

In summary, respiration is the process by which human beings produce energy from the breakdown of nutrients. It occurs in the cells of the body and can be divided into two main stages: aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration is the most common form of respiration in humans and occurs in the mitochondria, while anaerobic respiration occurs in the cytoplasm of cells and is used as a backup energy source when oxygen is not available.

Human respiratory system

describe the process of respiration in human beings

This causes the air from the external environment to rush into the lungs, so that it can fill the extra spaces. The symptoms of central sleep apnea are similar to those of obstructive sleep apnea. The air is exhaled back through the same pathway. It includes two steps: i. Release of Carbon Dioxide in the Alveoli of Lung: The pulmonary arteries carry deoxygenated blood to the lungs. In addition to these treatments, patients with central sleep apnea may need supplemental oxygen during sleep.


explain the process of respiration in human beings

describe the process of respiration in human beings

The smallest bronchioles terminate into alveoli. In anaerobic respiration, there is no consumption of oxygen. The process is catalyzed by an enzyme carbonic anhydrase found in RBC. During exercise or under strenuous conditions, the muscle cells consume more oxygen. The partial pressure of nitrogen PN 2 is the same 537 mm Hg in the alveoli as it is in the blood.


20.4: The Processes of the Respiratory System

describe the process of respiration in human beings

The cephalid motion of the ribs indicates that the upper ribs are fixed relative to the lower ones. . The contribution of costal motion to breathing depends on the force of intercostal contraction and on the position of the ribs prior to the intercostal contraction. The so-called exchange of gases is necessary for respiration and which can be considered as a chemical process. Expiration: It is a process by which the foul air carbon dioxide is expelled out from the lungs. Factors Affecting Oxygen Haemoglobin Dissociation Curve: The oxygen haemoglo­bin dissociation curve is shifted either to right or left by various factors.


CBSE Discussions

describe the process of respiration in human beings

Chemical Regulation : The largest number of chemoreceptors is located in the carotid bodies. Apneustic centre is considered hypothetical. Their motion is somehow, the sum of the narrowing of many interspaces rather than only the adjacent one. The carbon dioxide also diffuses into the blood and is carried back to the lungs for release. External respiration is the process of gas exchange that occurs between the alveoli and the bloodstream. Residual Volume RV : It is the volume of air which remains still in the lung after the most forceful expiration.


Human Respiratory System

describe the process of respiration in human beings

Instead they are first broken to intermediates common to glucose oxidation, viz. The diaphragm, intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles play an important role. The taken oxygen is the utilised to oxidise chemical energy stored in the food to released energy in the form of ATP along with carbon dioxide and water. Pulmonary ventilation consists of the process of inspiration or inhalation , where air enters the lungs, and expiration or exhalation , where air leaves the lungs. When the partial pressure of oxy­gen is 25 mm Hg the haemoglobin gets saturated to about 50%. The respiratory mechanism is the act of inhaling air into the lungs and is known as inspiration.


Process of Respiration in Human Beings (With Diagram)

describe the process of respiration in human beings

Because of the buffering effect of hemoglobin, the liberated hydrogen ions cause little change in pH under resting conditions. The ventral respiratory group can cause ei­ther inspiration or expiration, depending upon which neurons in the group are stimulated. This involves nostrils, nasal cavity, larynx, bronchi, bronchioles ending in alveoli. Respiration in human beings takes place through a special system called as respiratory system. The oxygen haemoglobin dissociation curve is shifted to left in the following conditions: 1 In the foetal blood, because, foetal haemoglobin has more affinity for oxygen than the adult haemoglobin. About 70% of CO 2 are transported in this form.


Mechanism of Respiration in Human

describe the process of respiration in human beings

Interestingly, the right lung is quite bigger and heavier than the left lung. Carbon dioxide is a metabolic waste product that travels through the bloodstream from the tissues so it may be eliminated from the body during expiration. The taking in, and giving out, of air is called as external respiration or Breathing. Almost all oxygen are transported in this form, from lungs to tissue. In the process, the oxygen is absorbed into the tissue from the lungs to oxidise the food and release energy and carbon dioxide.


describe the process of respiration in human beings

describe the process of respiration in human beings

During expiration both intercostal muscles which are responsible for movement of the ribs and sternum described above relax, the size of the thorax decreases in anteroposterior and in transverse diameter the lung volume consequently decreases. What is the definition of respiration? Vital Capacity VC : The maximum volume of air a person can breathe in after a forced expiration or the maximum volume of air a person can breathe out after a forced inspiration is called vital capacity. Pharynx — It is a passage behind the nasal chamber and serves as the common passageway for both air and food. These cartilages push the vocal cords together. By adolescence, the normal respiratory rate is similar to that of adults, 12 to 18 breaths per minute.


What is respiration? Explain the process of respiration in human beings. (Figure not required)

describe the process of respiration in human beings

One should avoid coconut and palm oil, ghee or any other form of saturated fat … but choose low-fat products instead. There are bronchioles leading into lungs and smallest bronchioles are alveoli, Alveoli contain blood capillaries to ease the exchange of gases in lungs. Ans: Respiration is the process that releases energy which is further utilized to perform several living activities. In exchange, carbon dioxide moves from the blood into the alveolus by the same process in the reverse direction. About 7% of the total CO 2 are transported in this form.


Describe the process of Respiration in human beings?​

describe the process of respiration in human beings

This would give us a better idea of how the human respiratory system is more advanced than the others. Ribs move down and diaphragm becomes dome shaped decreasing the chest cavity. Increased CO 2 lowers the pH resulting acido­sis. The diaphragm is a muscular partition which separates the chest cavity from the lower abdominal cavity. This is commonly developed in persons going to high altitude for the first time. In the form of bicarbonates Carbonic acid quickly ionizes to form ions i. NOTE: One hemoglobin molecules contain 4 heme group; each heme can combine with oxygen.
