What is the theme in hills like white elephants. Communication Theme In Hills Like White Elephants 2022-12-14

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Hills Like White Elephants is a short story by Ernest Hemingway that was published in 1927. The story is set in a train station in Spain, where a couple is having a conversation about a significant decision they have to make. The theme of the story is the struggle between personal autonomy and societal expectations.

Throughout the story, the couple, referred to only as "the man" and "the girl," engage in a conversation about an abortion. The man wants the girl to have the abortion, while the girl is hesitant and uncertain about what she wants. The man tries to convince the girl that getting an abortion is the best thing for both of them, using logical arguments and trying to appeal to her emotions. However, the girl seems to be more concerned with what society will think of her if she gets an abortion. She says, "I don't want anybody but you. I don't want any one else. And I know it's perfectly simple." This shows that the girl values her relationship with the man and wants to make him happy, but she also has a fear of what others will think of her if she goes through with the abortion.

The theme of personal autonomy versus societal expectations is further highlighted through the symbols and imagery used in the story. The hills in the distance, which the girl compares to white elephants, symbolize the unborn child and the decision the couple has to make. The white elephant is a symbol of something rare and valuable, but also burdensome and difficult to maintain. The couple's conversation about the abortion is framed as a casual and mundane conversation, with the man trying to make it seem like a simple and practical decision. However, the weight of the decision is clear through the symbolism of the white elephant.

Overall, the theme of Hills Like White Elephants is the struggle between personal autonomy and societal expectations. The couple must decide what is best for them, but they are also concerned with how their decision will be perceived by others. The story suggests that society often imposes its own expectations and values on individuals, and that it can be difficult to make decisions that go against these expectations.

Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway

what is the theme in hills like white elephants

Sometimes a person could infer the wrong things or not get the whole story. . Last but not least, the theme, communicate with others, is also a moral that many people should apply to their lives. His short, to the point syntax and sentence style plays a great role in helping readers understand the theme of this short story. However, it is not only the theme raised in the piece that has made it so memorable. An added layer to the issue of the failure of language in this story is the fact that the events are unfolding between two English-speaking tourists in Spain. Hemingway was frequently called a chauvinist and the one who did not treat women as equals.


What does white elephant mean in Hills Like White Elephants?

what is the theme in hills like white elephants

Also, since the people talking in the conversation might not tell the full story, the person listening might not get to know how the end of their conversation went, but if they are lucky, they might. If Jig does deliver the baby then she knows that she would have to live a life without happiness. . With that said, the only way for her to get an abortion is to do it herself or have the American do it. Ernest Hemingway is a famous American novelist and an amazing short story writer. For him, this procedure is the only way they can be happy again because the pregnancy is 'the only thing that bothers us.


Choice Theme in Hills Like White Elephants

what is the theme in hills like white elephants

The man also feels that pregnancy is the only thing that has caused them to have arguments and become unhappy with each other in the relationship. The relationship between Jig and the American clearly represents Bohemian lifestyle. Hills Like White Elephants. The man in the story has enjoyed spending time with the girl but does not want to continue seeing her when she finds out that she is pregnant. In line 54, he also adds that plenty of his close acquaintances have done it before and they appeared to be happy following the procedure.


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what is the theme in hills like white elephants

Also, there was participation in wars, and there were journeys to different places, such as Germany, Cuba, and others. Alcohol holds a certain amount of symbolism in the story. Towards the end of the story, readers are able to piece together that both of the main characters are actually round characters and have a lot more to them than meets the eye. The American does not give her reassurance and "she is extremely irritated by his insensitivity. Ultimately, then, not only does the American have no idea what the girl is going through, but he also displays no concern in really hearing her explain it.


Conflicts in “Hills Like White Elephants” Analysis Free Essay Example 1518 words

what is the theme in hills like white elephants

In conclusion, this source is sufficient for the literary research paper because not only does it provide information about the story itself, but also the author and his way of writing. The fields of grain and trees also represent fertility and fruitfulness. We assume that the girl decides to keep the baby instead of her boyfriend because she states that she is fine and nothing is wrong with her at the end of the short story. There are many arguments across the conversation; however, it is eventually the girl who takes domination on whether having abortion or not. Let's take a look at the symbols used by Hemingway to illustrate this theme. To have a more deeper understanding on the literature, I have looked up a translated version of it and according to a Japanese translation of the very story, it said that the problem was about her pregnancy and that the man wants her to have an abortion. At various phases of his life, with different wives, for particular reasons, the write traveled.


The Theme Of Abortion In Hemingway’s Hills Like White Elephants: [Essay Example], 1142 words GradesFixer

what is the theme in hills like white elephants

As Jig moves about in the story, she faces different sides of the valley, which helps to determine the decision she will make. Why might Hemingway refer to the man as the American? Its isolation also reflects the girl's own desperate loneliness she feels in facing this situation, despite the American's constant interference. Finally, the looming decision that drives the whole story—whether or not the girl will get an abortion—goes unnamed by either character. One interpretation is that Jig is Catholic and the curtain is like the beads of a rosary, which she holds on to for some moral and religious support Renner 28. White elephants are considered very auspicious.


Communication Theme In Hills Like White Elephants

what is the theme in hills like white elephants

The writer also had three sons from his two first wives, which may put in question the relatedness of this topic to his biography. Like any other man, Hemingway may have had doubts about his masculinity and the ability to provide for his women. The device of not naming the characters in the narrative indicates that the characters are prototypes and that there is a power inequity in their relationship he is called a 'man' while she is called a 'girl'. First of all, she makes a decision on choosing beer at the beginning. The shadow of cloud can be accepted as a literary symbol of impending trouble.


Hills Like White Elephants: Themes

what is the theme in hills like white elephants

If Jig does have the baby, then the American knows that the consequences will lead to a breakup. Abortion to this couple is nothing more then a qui. Such a thought would be no less likely in her mind, as she handles the beads, than her earlier perception of the distant hills as white elephants. And a road to Barcelona that has a vivid description of life. After the beers, Jig asks to try a different drink.


Hills Like White Elephants: Theme, Symbolism & Literary Analysis

what is the theme in hills like white elephants

New York: Checkmark Books, 1999. The Ebro River also represents life, as it germinates the fields. The purpose of this story was to show the struggle between the girl and her boyfriend. Landscapes, especially rugged ones, were a favorite thematic element for Hemingway and no less so in 'Hills Like White Elephants. In current debates, pro-life supporters usually find the procedure to be unethical in some way, i. Therefore; at the end of the story, he simply asks about her feeling without pushing her any more. This statement is symbolic of life and death in which the tense conversation over the abortion operation is about.


Ernest Hemingway's Life and the Themes Presented in "Hills Like White Elephants"

what is the theme in hills like white elephants

Modern society was appearing in fashion, jazz and women getting rights to vote. Throughout the story as the characters drink, the waitress intermittently enters the scene, speaking in Spanish, which the man must translate for the girl. In this time period, women were not looked upon as equals, though we did have some rights. The Theme Of Love In Hills Like White Elephants? So, from the story it is seen that a Jig is hesitating about her decision of abortion. The pair order drinks, and they also talk about them. The beads are also very symbolic of the short story.
