Night study questions. Night Study Questions Flashcards 2022-12-24

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Night is a powerful and poignant memoir written by Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor. The book tells the story of Wiesel's experiences as a young Jewish boy in Nazi-occupied Hungary and his eventual deportation to Auschwitz and other concentration camps. Night raises many important questions about the nature of human suffering, the resilience of the human spirit, and the role of faith in times of crisis. Here are a few potential study questions to consider when examining Night:

  1. How does the concept of "night" function as a metaphor in the book? What does it represent, and how does it shape the tone and themes of the narrative?

  2. How does Elie's faith evolve over the course of the book? What challenges does he face, and how does he respond to them? What does his experience reveal about the role of faith in times of crisis?

  3. How does Elie's relationship with his father change over the course of the book? What challenges do they face, and how do they support each other? How does this relationship reflect broader themes in the book?

  4. What is the significance of the book's title, Night? How does it relate to the events of the story, and what does it suggest about the overall themes of the book?

  5. What is the role of memory in Night? How does Elie remember and reflect on his experiences in the concentration camps? How does this shape the way he tells his story?

  6. What is the significance of the character of Moishe the Beadle? How does his story foreshadow the horrors that Elie and his family will face, and what does it reveal about the nature of human suffering?

  7. How does Night challenge readers to consider the nature of evil and human cruelty? What does the book suggest about the ways in which ordinary people can become perpetrators of evil, and what can be done to prevent this from happening?

  8. What is the role of hope in Night? How does Elie and his family find ways to hold onto hope in the face of such unimaginable suffering and loss? How does this relate to broader themes of resilience and the human spirit?

Night Study Questions Flashcards

night study questions

He foreshadows this transformation at the start of the book, saying, "In the beginning there was faith—which is childish; trust—which is vain; and illusion—which is dangerous. They lie about their ages. This made the Jews feel ashamed of their religion. What new camp is Elie sent to? When the Fascists take over in Hungary, the town insists all is well. He recognizes the need for faith as a means to survival, noting that those who lose their faith soon die. In this chapter, there are numerous details that shows the reader that the dentist from Czechoslovakia likely was not actually a dentist.


Night Discussion Questions

night study questions

This reveals that human nature is violence. He is forced to recount horrible events. Unfortunately, the treatment and environment of the Jews continues to deteriorate the closer they get to the end of the war. Riding once again in a roofless cattle wagon with no food or privacy, the Jewish prisoners were little more than mindless, frozen bodies. Discuss at least three specific examples of events that occurred which dehumanized Eliezer, his father, or his fellow Jews.


Night Study Questions

night study questions

Two of the things the Nazis did to dehumanize the Jews was cut their hair and take away their names. A-7713- his tattooed number. Author, Elie Wiesel, voices his time in the Nazi concentration camps, in his autobiographical novel, Night. It hides his new shoes from being stolen. Through the windows the Jews see chimneys attached to large furnaces. How would you define the word "resistance"? All this changed when WW2 began. When Eliezer suggests they move to Palestine, his father refuses.


Night Chapter 1

night study questions

He had been given the news. They got used to the ghettos, they were not afraid. During which everyone had to watch him suffer. When they were deported, they were scared, yet not too scared because they did not know where they were going. Elie went back later but he pretended again to get himself a few more days.


Night Study Questions : Chapter 4 & 5

night study questions

Surely they will have news …' He left. Why was his father giving it to him? They were transported in cattle cars for 4 days with almost no food or water, poor ventilation, crowded space, and unsanitary conditions. How does it compare to the advice given by the young Pole on page 38? Describe the scene Elie witnessed between a father and son. As Wiesel later wrote " Life in the cattle cars was the death of my adolescence. Eliezer does not shy away from describing himself as a beast: "I fought my way to the coffee cauldron like a wild beast" pg. What connection do Moishe the Beadle and Elie have? Night, which is placed during the Holocaust, has shown what happens.


"Night" Study Questions: A Review of "Night" by Elie Wiesel

night study questions

He does not follow the advice, but he thinks about it for a second, which makes him feel guilty. Overall, Dehumanization is one of the many types of cruelty and has a major effect on how people act. He cautions the world to never forget the Holocaust in order to prevent it from happening again. What happens to Elie on the third night of their journey in the train? How do people react? Answer: It is important not to confuse the narrator with the author, even though they are the same person. There was also very little air, the luckiest ones found themselves near a window. Wiesel finally relents and agrees to give the crown to Franek in order to save and protect his father from any further beatings, or other tormentation.


Night Essay Questions

night study questions

Packed eighty people to each cattle wagon, the last of the Jews depart Sighet. Tibi and Yossi are two young brothers who become good friends with Eliezer at Buna. Survival was the main and really, only motive for everyone there, so much that it trumped everything else, like sympathy and humanity. They felt like being a Jew was a crime that they were committing. That made Wiesel view the. He was being precautious. Graphic images are drawn into our head as a young Elie Wiesel retells what he saw.


night study questions

Why is an inmate shot during a raid? The older men beg the young men not to be foolish and tell them to rely on the words of the sage wise men that came before them. What promise do Elie and the men break to Drumer? Despite his acknowledged loss of faith, he is able to maintain shreds of it. The concentration camp has changed him mentally, physically, emotionally and even spiritually. Without his father, Wiesel is left alone in the… The Holocaust In Elie Wiesel's Night Amongst the many events that the world has captured in history books, the holocaust is one that is recognized by almost everyone. People have feelings along with the many Jews that were in the concentration camps. What happens to that dentist? They ingeniously realized how to kill a person without them resisting was to make them believe that they were not even human. When the SS begin patrolling the streets, the town insists all is well.


night study questions

How did Elie help his father when the selection was made? They were, quite simply, liberated by the Russians two days after the evacuation. And I hated that body" pg. In Night, what did it mean that living people recited it for themselves and why did this anger Eliezer? There was a man and his son in this running march. He had wide, dreamy eyes. As he states: "I was putting one foot in front of the other, like a machine.


night study questions

When Juliek frees himself, he begins to play his violin for the dead, and those in the process of dying. What deal does Elie strike so he can remain with his father? A woman throws money to children and finds it amusing. What were the first human words that Elie hears since being transported? When their very few attempts at getting her quiet without violence failed, they automatically resorted to using it. While many Jews died in the concentration camps, there are some who made it out alive and told their story. Answer: Wiesel warns of the dangers of silence in the face of hatred and oppression. What did the prisoners do when they were freed? Cruelty is causing pain or suffering to someone or something. Moishe tells them about how babies are used for target practice and how they had to dig the graves they were to be buried in.
